August 31st, 2024
12:00 PM CST
North Gálvez St & Jourdan Ave
New Orleans
August 31st, 2024
12:00 PM CST
North Gálvez St & Jourdan Ave
New Orleans
August 29th is the 19-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. We remember, we continue to demand justice, and will continue to demand justice until it is achieved.
When Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast 19 years ago, Black people and poor people were left to die in the richest country in the world. Each year on the anniversary we commemorate our loved ones we lost, celebrate our resiliency, and demand justice and a just future.
Healing Ceremony: Lower 9th Ward @ North Gálvez St. & Jourdan Ave.
Against the backdrop of where the levees broke in the lower 9th Ward, we hold a healing ceremony. Community members gather for a multi-faith prayer and a reading of the names of those who died during Hurricane Katrina.
March & Secondline: Find map of route below
When the healing ceremony concludes we start the march in a solemn spirt. As the march grows in numbers, spirits are lifted. Half-way through the march a brass band joins and we transition from somber to celebratory remembrance and commemoration in true New Orleans fashion. We secondline the rest of the march to Hunter’s Field.
Rally: Hunter’s Field @ N Claiborne Ave. & St Bernard Ave.
Healing Ceremony
Lower 9th Ward
North Gálvez St. & Jourdan Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70117
Hunter’s Field
N Claiborne Ave. & St Bernard Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70116