FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 5, 2017
MEDIA CONTACT – Mark Antoniewicz, [email protected], 202-506-5882
Washington, D.C. – Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., President & CEO of Hip Hop Caucus, today released the below statement in response to the Trump Administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program:
“We the people will not stand for this Administration’s continued blatant disregard for our most vulnerable communities, cruel actions that will tear apart thousands of families, and fanning of the flames of hate and bigotry. The decision to end DACA today is so cruel, even this Administration decided to wait a few days until after a natural disaster devastated millions of our brothers and sisters on the Gulf Coast to announce it. Ending DACA will certainly be a man-made disaster, one that will have drastic negative implications on America’s families, economy, and moral fabric for years to come. This decision also comes on the heels of Charlottesville, where the whole world saw America’s ugliest side. We will continue to relentlessly counter this hate and bigotry supported by this Administration with love. All power to the people.”
About Hip Hop Caucus: Formed in 2004, the Hip Hop Caucus (HHC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that leverages Hip Hop culture to encourage young people to participate in the democratic process. Through a collaborative leadership network, HHC addresses core issues affecting under-served and vulnerable communities. HHC programs and campaigns support solution-driven community organizing led by today’s young leaders. Learn more at HipHopCaucus.org.