
Think 100% is a program of Hip Hop Caucus. Make a tax deductible donation today.

Your support will go towards our mission to empower communities first and worst impacted by injustice to lead movements for a just and sustainable world for all. 

Think 100% is Hip Hop Caucus’ award-winning climate justice communications and activism platform. We are broadening and growing the climate movement to be powerful enough to solve the climate crisis and doing it in time to stop the most catastrophic consequences of the crisis. And we are doing it by empowering Millennials, Gen Z, and communities of color to lead the way.

In addition to Think 100%, Hip Hop Caucus’ non-partisan, award-winning Respect My Vote! campaign is doing it bigger than ever in 2020, registering, educating, and mobilizing young people of color to vote this fall.

And, day in and day out, Hip Hop Caucus speaks truth to power and stands side by side with activists and organizers for justice, equality, and the civil and human rights of people of color, women, immigrants, LGTBQ folks, people who are incarcerated, and those on the frontlines of injustice.

Thank you for donating and for all that you do for a better world.