Hurricane Katrina 12th Anniversary – March & Second Line

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 3, 2017
MEDIA CONTACT – Mark Antoniewicz, [email protected], 202-506-5882

New Orleans Community, Hip Hop Artists, and Activists Commemorate 12th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Call for a Just Harvey Recovery for All

New Orleans, LA – Today the Hip Hop Caucus, New Orleans Katrina Commemoration Foundation, Nuthin’ But Fire Records, Q93, People’s Climate Music, and many other community partners hosted the 12th Annual Hurricane Katrina March and Second Line.

The day’s events began with a healing ceremony next to the breached levee in the Lower Ninth Ward, followed by a march through the streets which fed into a second line. The second line ended with a rally at Hunter’s Field hosted by Wild Wayne of Q93 and renowned New Orleans’ poet Sunni Patterson. The rally featured remarks and performances by a variety of prominent community and cultural leaders, including Mia X, Sess 4-5, Roi Anthony, Hustlaz, Lady Red, Yung Pro, Shorty, Wildboy Woody, and DJ7.

This event serves as the largest annual community based commemoration of the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and shows first-hand the consequences of climate disasters on our communities. Each year this event honors the resiliency of the people, remembers the lives lost, and encourages further support for the communities most devastated by Hurricane Katrina. This year organizers also called for a just and equitable recovery from Hurricane Harvey which caused widespread flooding in southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana this past week.

“The people of New Orleans will not forget those who were lost 12 years ago and it is incredibly powerful to march in the same streets where your relatives died,” said Rev Yearwood, President & CEO, Hip Hop Caucus. “This anniversary is also a moment of solidarity, as millions are currently being impacted by Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Louisiana. Let us help our brothers and sisters in the Gulf get through this historic event, just as the City of Houston did by taking in over 100,000 people impacted by Hurricane Katrina 12 years ago. In that same spirit, we extend our hands and stand for a just recovery as we begin to heal and rebuild.”

Participants throughout the day also highlighted the ongoing struggle of families to live and thrive in post-Katrina New Orleans. Participants also called on leaders to do more to better prepare our most vulnerable communities to withstand future natural disasters by investing in smarter infrastructure and addressing climate change.

“We will never forget Katrina and what it did to our people,” said Sess 4-5, event organizer, leader of Hip Hop Caucus New Orleans, and recording artist and community activist. “We also want to shine a light on the fact that many people impacted by the storm are still not getting the help they deserve, even 12 years after it hit. We will keep on marching every year to remember those lost, bring our community closer together, and hold our elected leaders accountable so that they can right the wrongs of the past and create a better future for all.”

Organizers asked participants, supporters, and leaders to:

  • Remember: by calling on the state of Louisiana to make August 29 a holiday commemorating the lives lost in Katrina.
  • Right the wrongs: by calling for racial and economic justice so that in the face of disaster, the poor and people of color are not left without the ability to rebuild communities with good schools, good jobs, and good public health and safety.  
  • Say never again: by calling for action on climate change from our world’s leaders, otherwise we will only see more of these extreme weather events like Hurricane Katrina and Harvey around the world.
  • Call for a just and equitable Harvey recovery and rebuild for all: The most vulnerable communities – including low-income and communities of color – are being hardest hit. Help support by visiting

For more options on how to support Harvey recovery efforts, please visit  

About Hip Hop Caucus: Formed in 2004, the Hip Hop Caucus (HHC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that leverages Hip Hop culture to encourage young people to participate in the democratic process. Through a collaborative leadership network, HHC addresses core issues affecting underserved communities. HHC programs and campaigns support solution-driven community organizing led by today’s young leaders. Learn more at  

About New Orleans Katrina Commemoration Foundation: New Orleans Katrina Commemoration Foundation annually organizes the largest community-led remembrance event on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, August 29th.

About the People’s Climate Music: People’s Climate Music is helping to expand the climate movement by organizing diverse and influential artists to create music and culture that inspires action to solve the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced – climate change. More at



Environmental and Public Interest Groups Condemn Racist Violence and Intolerance in Charlottesville, Virginia

August 16, 2017

Yamila Pino, [email protected], (202) 440-1432
Mark Antoniewicz, [email protected], 202-506-5882

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A broad coalition of environmental, public health and public interest groups, including prominent African American and Latino organizations, issued the following joint statement in response to this past weekend’s white nationalist gathering and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia and President Trump’s inexplicable reversal as to who’s to blame for the violence:

“Our nation witnessed tragic, despicable and completely unnecessary violence in Charlottesville this past weekend. Driven by hatred and racism, these white nationalist and neo-nazi groups and their actions do not represent our values, nor the values of the vast majority of Americans. We also remember the life of Heather Heyer and commit to continuing the struggle she died for.

The behavior of white nationalists is neither acceptable nor normal and we will continue to stand in solidarity against such hatred and in defense of the rights and safety of communities across the country like Charlottesville. We will not tolerate any form of hatred or discrimination and will align ourselves with communities of color and creeds that are the target of ongoing bigotry.

We call on our political leaders to condemn these acts not just today, but every time they happen. President Trump and all political leaders, no matter their party affiliation, have an obligation to stand up against such hate groups immediately and unequivocally. Their voices and words — and lack thereof — matter.

The tragic events in Charlottesville fall on our shoulders as a nation. No one who stands for justice, equality, and human dignity can stay silent any longer. We will stand unified against the white nationalist movement that everyday threatens America’s people and ideals, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. We will ultimately prevail by countering this hate with love.”

17 for Peace and Justice
African American Nature and Parks Experience
Alaska Wilderness League
Alliance for Climate Education (ACE)
Audubon Naturalist Society
Austin 2030 District
Be The Change -USA
Black permaculture network
Bold Alliance
California League of Conservation Voters
Care About Climate
Center for Biological Diversity
Center for Diversity & the Environment
Center for International Environmental Law
Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN)
Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Clean Air Council
Climate Hawks Vote
Climate Nexus
Coalition Center for Popular Democracy
Defend Our Future
Defenders of Wildlife
Diverse Environmental Leaders Speakers Bureau
Dogwood Alliance
Dynamic Aptitude
Endangered Species Coalition
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Leadership Program
EPCF – Climate Change Disruption
Food & Water Watch
Friends of Organ Mountains Desert Peaks
Friends of the Earth
Green 2.0
Green For All
Greenpeace USA
Hip Hop Caucus
Hispanic Access Foundation
Hispanic Federation
Imagine Power LLC
Institute for Sustainable Communities
Institute for Sutainable Urban Transformation
Interfaith Power & Light
International Mayan League
La Union Hace La Fuerza
Latino Victory Project
League of Conservation Voters
League of United Latin American Citizens
Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA)
Maine Conservation Voters
Mi Familia Vota
Moms Clean Air Force
Mount Moriah FBH Church
Mt Eastern Joy, LLC
National Hispanic Medical Association
National Ocean Protection
National Parks Conservation Association
Natural Resources Defense Council
NCLR Action Fund
Network for Sustainable Financial Markets
NextGen America
Noble Renewables Group of the West
North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO)
Ocean Conservancy
Our Climate
Outdoor Afro
Peoples Climate Movement
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Population Connection
Power Shift Network
Public Citizen
Rachel Carson Council
Rachel’s Network
Radiance Studios LLC
Rainforest Action Network
Roosevelt Institute
Rural Coalition
Save EPA
Sierra Club
Sierra Club Virginia Chapter
Sustainable Agricultural Education Association
Sustainable Practices
The Environmental Justice Center at Chestnut Hill United Church
The Evangelical Environmental Network
The Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc
The Joy Trip Project
The Praxis Project
The Trail Posse
The Wilderness Society
Toxics Action Center
Union of Concerned Scientists
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Virginia Interfaith Power & Light
Virginia League of Conservation Voters
Voces Verdes
Voices for Progress
Voto Latino
Waterkeeper Alliance
WE ACT for Environmental Justice


August 16, 2017

Yamila Pino, (202) 440-1432 / (202) 660-1433
Grupos ambientalistas y de interés público condenan la violencia racista y la intolerancia en Charlottesville, Virginia

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Una amplia coalición de grupos ambientalistas, de salud pública e interés público, que también incluyen reconocidas organizaciones afroamericanas y latinas, emitieron las siguientes declaraciones en respuesta a la manifestación y violencia de nacionalistas blancos el fin de semana pasado en Charlottesville, Virginia, y el inexplicable revés del President Trump sobre los culpables de los sucesos:

“Nuestra nación ha sido testigo de una violencia trágica, despiadada y completamente innecesaria este pasado fin de semana en Charlottesville. Impulsados por el odio y el racismo, estos grupos de nacionalistas blancos y neo-nazis, al igual que sus acciones, no representan nuestros valores. Tampoco representan los valores de la mayoría de los estadounidenses. También recordamos la vida de Heather Heyer y nos comprometemos a continuar la lucha que le costó la vida.

El comportamiento de nacionalistas blancos no es aceptable. Por tal razón, continuaremos expresando nuestra solidaridad en contra de dicho odio y defendiendo los derechos y bienestar de comunidades como Charlottesville a lo largo del país. No toleraremos ninguna expresión de odio o discriminación y nos unimos a las comunidades de color y de diversos credos que son víctimas de la intolerancia.

Hacemos un llamado a nuestros líderes políticos para que repudien estos actos no sólo en estos momentos sino cada vez que ocurran. El Presidente Trump y todos los funcionarios electos— independientemente de su afiliación política— tienen la obligación de no quedarse callados ante estos grupos de odio inmediata e inequívocamente. Sus voces y palabras— al igual que la ausencia de ellas— importan.

Los trágicos eventos de Charlottesville pesan sobre la nación entera. Todo el que luche por la justicia, igualdad y dignidad del ser humano tiene el deber de levantar su voz. Nos uniremos en contra de lo que representa el movimiento supremacista blanco que día a día es una amenaza al pueblo estadounidense y sus ideales como el derecho a la dignidad, libertad y búsqueda de la felicidad. Al final saldremos victoriosos al hacerle frente a este odio con amor”.


17 for Peace and Justice
African American Nature and Parks Experience
Alaska Wilderness League
Alliance for Climate Education (ACE)
Audubon Naturalist Society
Austin 2030 District
Be The Change -USA
Black permaculture network
Bold Alliance
California League of Conservation Voters
Care About Climate
Center for Biological Diversity
Center for Diversity & the Environment
Center for International Environmental Law
Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN)
Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Clean Air Council
Climate Hawks Vote
Climate Nexus
Coalition Center for Popular Democracy
Defend Our Future
Defenders of Wildlife
Diverse Environmental Leaders Speakers Bureau
Dogwood Alliance
Dynamic Aptitude
Endangered Species Coalition
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Leadership Program
EPCF – Climate Change Disruption
Food & Water Watch
Friends of Organ Mountains Desert Peaks
Friends of the Earth
Green 2.0
Green For All
Greenpeace USA
Hip Hop Caucus
Hispanic Access Foundation
Hispanic Federation
Imagine Power LLC
Institute for Sustainable Communities
Institute for Sutainable Urban Transformation
Interfaith Power & Light
International Mayan League
La Union Hace La Fuerza
Latino Victory Project
League of Conservation Voters
League of United Latin American Citizens
Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA)
Maine Conservation Voters
Mi Familia Vota
Moms Clean Air Force
Mount Moriah FBH Church
Mt Eastern Joy, LLC
National Hispanic Medical Association
National Ocean Protection
National Parks Conservation Association
Natural Resources Defense Council
NCLR Action Fund
Network for Sustainable Financial Markets
NextGen America
Noble Renewables Group of the West
North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO)
Ocean Conservancy
Our Climate
Outdoor Afro
Peoples Climate Movement
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Population Connection
Power Shift Network
Public Citizen
Rachel Carson Council
Rachel’s Network
Radiance Studios LLC
Rainforest Action Network
Roosevelt Institute
Rural Coalition
Save EPA
Sierra Club
Sierra Club Virginia Chapter
Sustainable Agricultural Education Association
Sustainable Practices
The Environmental Justice Center at Chestnut Hill United Church
The Evangelical Environmental Network
The Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc
The Joy Trip Project
The Praxis Project
The Trail Posse
The Wilderness Society
Toxics Action Center
Union of Concerned Scientists
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Virginia Interfaith Power & Light
Virginia League of Conservation Voters
Voces Verdes
Voices for Progress
Voto Latino
Waterkeeper Alliance
WE ACT for Environmental Justice

Environmental and Public Interest Groups Condemn Racist Violence and Intolerance in Charlottesville, Virginia

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A broad coalition of environmental, public health and public interest groups, including prominent African American and Latino organizations, issued the following joint statement in response to this past weekend’s white nationalist gathering and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia:

“Our nation witnessed tragic, despicable and completely unnecessary violence in Charlottesville this past weekend. Driven by hatred and racism, these white nationalist and neo nazis groups and their actions do not represent the values upon which this country was founded, nor the values of the vast majority of Americans. We also remember the life of Heather Heyer and commit to continuing the struggle she died for.”

“The behavior of white nationalists is neither acceptable nor normal and we will continue to stand in solidarity against such hatred and in defense of the rights and safety of communities across the country like Charlottesville.  We will not tolerate any form of hatred or discrimination and will align ourselves with communities of color and creeds that are the target of ongoing bigotry.”

“We call on our political leaders to condemn these acts not just today, but every time they happen. President Trump and all political leaders, no matter their party affiliation, have an obligation to stand up against such hate groups immediately and unequivocally. Their voices and words — and lack thereof — matter.”

The tragic events in Charlottesville fall on our shoulders as a nation. No one who stands for justice, equality, and human dignity can stay silent any longer. We will stand unified against the white nationalist movement that everyday threatens America’s people and ideals, including the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. We will ultimately prevail by countering this hate with love.

# # #

Statement of the Civil Rights Coalition On Policing Reform On Charlottesville


PRESS CONTACT: Mark Antoniewicz, [email protected]202-870-8476

Yesterday, this country’s leadership failed its citizens and allowed White supremacists, KKK, and Neo-Nazi infiltrators to be violent, vicious, and murderous in the city of Charlottesville, VA. Friday night the nation had been alarmed by the lighted torch invasion of the UVA campus by hundreds of Neo-Nazis and White supremacists chanting racist slurs including “Jews cannot replace us,” “Blood and Soil”, and spewing racial epithets. Unimpeded by police, they rallied for hours, assaulted a small contingent of peaceful counter-protesters before marching on a local church where a civil rights service and rally was taking place before being forcefully dispersed.

The day began with one group of nonviolent activist s led by Black Clergy and interracial/interdenominational clergy, who had come to the city to participate in peaceful social justice actions and condemn hatred. They were attacked by a mob of White supremacists, KKK members, and Neo-Nazis, made up of mostly armed white males who came prepared to “wipe out oppression”. After a morning and afternoon of violence, James Alex Fields drove his car into the back of racial justice demonstrators returning home and killed 32 year Heather Heyer and injured 19 others. In the end, a community was left in turmoil, lives were lost, people were critically injured, and instead of peace and love, hate and bigotry rang in the air for all the world to see, because the President of the United States, having inspired this atmosphere through his words and misdeeds, ignored what happened.

The Civil Rights Coalition on Policing Reform (“Coalition”) was created in the aftermath of the killing by law enforcement of Michael Brown Jr. in Ferguson, MO in August 2014. The coalition condemns the failure of the White House to profoundly denounce the presence and actions of these hate groups in Charlottesville, VA yesterday. Donald Trump’s speech late in the day was a complete abdication of his leadership role as President to denounce organized and violent bigots hate mongers. Instead, he said, “ We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. On many sides.” These vague and insidious words are far from an honest and full condemnation of the bigotry and hatred of these white supremacist groups.

The Coalition is also disappointed by the slow and weak response from the Department of Justice (DOJ) to come to the aid of the city of Charlottesville and the peaceful social justice activists. There were clear and visible images via multiple media outlets showing hateful words, spitting, hitting, and other violent acts of terror by these White supremacist groups. The lack of a timely response to these images from the Attorney General of the United States is oppressive and encouraged the continued violence by these domestic terrorists. Made late Saturday night, the statement from DOJ “to look into possible hate crimes” and to open a federal civil rights investigation into “the deadly car attack” are is limited, slow, and doesn’t encompass all of the crimes that happened yesterday. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ statement : was “The violence and deaths in Charlottesville strike at the heart of American law and justice. When such actions arise from racial bigotry and hatred, they betray our core values and cannot be tolerated.” This is degrading to the office of Attorney General as he states “…such actions arise from ….”, while refusing to poignantly and emphatically state that these deeds were acts of terrorism done by bigots and White supremacists whose primary purpose for gathering in Charlottesville was to be violent.

We must not forget the reasons why Black Clergy and many social justice activists made the pilgrimage to Charlottesville, VA. Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy took on a noble task of eliminating the hurtful and harmful history that the remembrance of the Confederacy brought to the city. He welcomed vivacious dialogue with his city and was met by hateful bigotry and violence by White supremacists, KKK members, and Neo-Nazis. The Black Clergy and social justice activists who went to Charlottesville joined the many people of this nation, of this world, who denounce and resist hatred everyday. They are working to create a world that is inclusive and respectful of all lives. We embrace the words of Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro,
“..I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion.”

The Civil Rights Coalition on Policing Reform will remain active in its charge to create a better law enforcement system in this country and at the same time join brave social justice activists in our quest for “igniting change” in the world.

#RespectMyVote Rally protests Trump’s “Voter Suppression Commission”

This article was originally published on Hip Hop Caucus’ Medium page (here).

Hundreds of people gathered for our #RespectMyVote Rally in front of the White House the morning of July 19th to protest Trump’s “Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. The conversation also grew online, as #RespectMyVote rocketed to the #3 trending topic in America on Twitter, and stayed trending all day long. In addition, over a half million people signed petitions pushing back on Trump’s plan to suppress voters, and those petitions were at the rally in front of the White House for delivery.


The commission, more appropriately known as Trump’s “Voter Suppression Commission”, is nothing more than a sham — as noted by the Washington Post — created in response to the blatant false claim of voter fraud in America.

Ever since losing the popular vote by almost three million votes in the 2016 election versus Hilary Clinton, President Trump has been obsessed with proving that there was wide-spread voter fraud. Earlier this year he claimed, without one shred of evidence, that 3–5 million Americans voted illegally during the election.

Now he is out to prove this false claim and is using the power of the Presidency (and your tax money) to set up a which-hunt team full of voter-suppressor all-stars. Each of member of the commission has a long track record of suppressing the vote and blatant attacks on the Voter Rights Act.

Instead of focusing on solutions to ensure more people are able to vote, such as modernizing voter registration, this commission is going to embark on a which-hunt in order to prove a false claim and set up the justification for actions that will make it harder for Americans to vote. They have long decided that those who are the most vulnerable in our country — young people, seniors, people of color — need to have more between them and the ballot box.

You can help push back and demand that voting is made easier. It’s our American right! Click here to say #RespectMyVote!

Voting is the fundamental right of our democracy. It is a cherished right that our soldiers die for. The United States should be a beacon for democracy throughout the world and lead by example. This new commission completely goes in the the opposite direction.

However, we have seen all of this before. And just as Dr. King and so many others did throughout this country’s history, we are going to fight with everything we have to protect our voting rights. We will always be there to protect voting for all.

We had a very special guest join us for the rally — No Malice, from the legendary hip-hop duo Clipse. No Malice also wrote an article about why he was there. Check out “No Malice Writes Letter ‘Why I’m Rallying at the White House’”.


Coalition Rallies Outside Senate Hearing to Oppose Trump Administration’s Dirty EPA Budget


PRESS CONTACT: Mark Antoniewicz, [email protected], 202-870-8476


Speakers Condemned President Trump and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt for Slashing EPA Budget, make link to health care debate


Washington, D.C. — Today, Hip Hop Caucus rallied with a coalition of leaders from health, faith, scientific, economic, and environmental groups to condemn President Trump’s and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt’s “dirty budget”.

Ahead of Pruitt’s testimony in front of a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, rally speakers denounced the Trump Administration’s proposed 31 percent cut to the Fiscal Year 2018 EPA budget. They highlighted how the proposed cuts would undermine the agency’s ability to protect public health, including the safety of our air and water. They also discussed how the cuts would be particularly devastating for America’s most vulnerable communities.

“These proposed EPA budget cuts would have serious and lasting consequences for communities of color across the country, which are already disproportionately impacted by the realities of climate change and economic inequality. In order to move from surviving to thriving, our communities need strong protections from the polluters that threaten our right to clean air and clean water. A step back on any progress made is a step too far, especially for these communities whose very existence we are fighting for…” said Mustafa Santiago Ali, Senior Vice President for Climate, Environmental Justice, & Community Revitalization at Hip Hop Caucus.

Leaders from a number of organizations participated in the rally including Sierra Club, Green For All, Union for Concerned Scientists, We ACT for Environmental Justice, Moms Clean Air Force, Greenpeace,, Green Latinos, Rising Hearts Coalition, Earth Day Network, 500 Women Scientists, Oil Change International, Environment America, Interfaith Power & Light of D.C., Maryland & Northern Virginia, Defend Our Future, League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resource Defense Council, and the Franciscan Action Network.


About: Hip Hop Caucus is a national non-profit and non-partisan organization that utilizes the Hip Hop culture to engage people in the civic process, empower communities, and create positive change. With a grassroots infrastructure in 30 cities across the United States, we address both local and national policies impacting our communities. We strategically partner with local and national leaders, entertainers, influencers, and social justice organizations to use the power of the culture to drive advocacy, take action, and make real, lasting impact — from the “streets to the suites”. For more information, check us out at, where you can become a member. Also be sure to follow us on social media (@HipHopCaucus).



Statement on Mama D’s passing

Hip Hop Caucus Press Release

May 21, 2017

Statement on Mama D’s passing:

“Without Dyan French Cole, “Mama D”, there is probably no Hip Hop Caucus. The Hip Hop Caucus will forever be linked to Hurricane Katrina and people like Mama D who never flinched or backed down from speaking her mind about conditions she knew needed correcting. It was her power as a black woman, community leader, and activist that made everyone around her love her. If she was going to hit you, she would also let you know she was going to hit you. Mama D’s spirit was so powerful that Jay Z penned a lyric about her in one of his songs. We will keep her undying love for her community, her people, and the “babies” with us as we continue to do this work for justice. All Power to the People!”

— Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., President & CEO of Hip Hop Caucus

“Mama D was one of the first genuine elders to embrace me in the movement and always demonstrated her bold and brave spirit that strengthens and encourages you as a human to fight for justice. The community will miss her voice, wisdom, and guidance. We are all saddened by the news of her passing.”

— Sess 4-5, Hip Hop Caucus New Orleans Coordinator and CEO of Nuthin But Fire Records

#KeepIt100: League of Conservation Voters releases 2016 Congressional Scorecard

Release Date: May 17, 2017

Today the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released their annual National Environmental Scorecard for members of Congress. The 0-100 score reflects how well Members of Congress are addressing environmental issues, including climate change, clean energy, and public health. This is a tool that our team at the Hip Hop Caucus uses to determine how well our elected leaders in Congress are taking action to protect and strengthen our communities.

A person’s skin color and zip code should not determine the quality of the air they breathe, the cleanliness of the water they drink, or their access to new opportunities. Unfortunately, some Congressional Members often overlook these communities. They also fail to work with community organizations within their districts to address these impacts and needs.

We also know that the impacts of climate change disproportionately affect our most vulnerable communities. Climate change hits these communities FIRST and WORST. It is simply irresponsible and dangerous that we still have many in Congress that are not listening to the science, and instead prefer to put profits for polluters ahead of people’s lives.

While each missed point for a Member on the scorecard might seem trivial, we know that in the real world, and especially for our vulnerable communities, each missed point means much, much more. It means more kids suffering from asthma and lead poisoning. It means less opportunity to participate in the clean energy economy. And it means more families being displaced by the effects of climate change.

It is frightening that the overall score of the House of Representatives is as low as it has ever been — and the Senate is not far behind. Why are Members of Congress not doing everything in their power to protect our health? Why are they not doing everything you can to create new economic opportunities in clean energy, like solar and wind? Why are they not doing everything to protect the most vulnerable from the effects of climate change? Why are they not doing everything they can to protect the only planet we have for future generations?

The good news is that the 2016 Scorecard shows that most Congressional Members of color understand the need to create good policy to protect our environment. And this understanding is turning into action in 2017. In the past month alone, we have seen members take bold steps to galvanize action through the creation of coalitions and introduction of legislation.

At the end of April, Representatives McEachin, Jayapal, and Barragán announced the formation of the United for Climate & Environmental Justice Congressional Task Force to help elevate the need for policies that make a difference in our communities. Senators Booker, Sanders, and Merkley also put forth bold legislation to transition our country to 100 percent clean and renewable energy by 2050, while ensuring a just transition for workers, and low-income and disadvantaged communities.


Many individual members are doing their part by not only working with their colleagues on Capitol Hill, but also with organizations within their communities to protect the environment and combat climate change. This of course makes a difference in scores, and more importantly, for positive impacts for real people.

For example, Representative Barbara Lee from the 13th District of California scored a perfect 100. As a founding Member of the Safe Climate Caucus and a member of Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition, she is leading the way within Congress to drive positive policies. In her community, she has been a serious champion for Environmental Justice efforts. Over the years she has helped put on Environmental Justice townhalls and tours with local stakeholders such as the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project, Asian Pacific Environmental Network, and others from the California Environmental Justice Alliance.

How can we replicate this understanding and turn it into action for all? How can we ensure that everyone is getting a perfect score? How can we ensure everyone can #KeepIt100?

With an eye on the 2018 midterms, you can bet that many members not doing well on this scorecard are going to be facing their constituents on these issues. The Hip Hop Caucus will be focusing our energy on turning out the vote and we will be using tools like the LCV scorecard to make sure people are informed on the issues.

Congressional Members who continue to put profit over people will ultimately lose. In these times where the stakes on protecting the environment and health of our communities have never been higher, and the threats against them have never been greater, we look to our leaders on Capitol Hill to do the right thing.

Through strong leadership at all levels, we can help our most vulnerable communities move from “Surviving to Thriving”. Let’s all work to make sure our Congressional Representatives and Senators #KeepIt100.

Mark Antoniewicz joins Hip Hop Caucus


Mark Antoniewicz joins Hip Hop Caucus


Washington, DC – Hip Hip Hop Caucus (HCC) announced today that Mark Antoniewicz has been named Director of Communications. Mark is enthusiastically welcomed into the Hip Hop Caucus family. Hip Hop Caucus is a national nonprofit nonpartisan organization that connects the Hip Hop community to the civic process in order to build power and create positive change.

“Hip Hop Caucus is extremely pleased and very fortunate to have someone of Mark’s excellent experience in the field of communications join our team,” said Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., President & CEO of Hip Hop Caucus. “The addition of Mark Antoniewicz to the Hip Hop Caucus team, shows the world, that people are very serious about climate change, and revitalizing vulnerable communities. Mark, could have gone anywhere with his background and his impeccable credentials, but he wanted to make sure at this time of crisis and resistance, that his impressive skills would be used to empower the suites, as well as the streets across this great country of ours in an effort to create change for future generations.“

Mark comes with more than 10 years of experience in communications, public affairs and program management. Most recently, Mark was a political appointee in the White House Council on Environmental Quality, where he helped lead the external outreach portfolio on climate, environment, natural resource conservation, and energy. He served as a public affairs advisor to senior White House officials and worked to create opportunities to highlight policy impacts, engage new communities, and enhance collaborative relationships to build support for action.

As a member of President Obama’s environmental team, he was involved in initiatives such as the Paris Climate Agreement and Clean Power Plan, efforts to ensure access to the clean energy economy and outdoors for all, and several National Monument designations to protect cultural and natural resources, including the first ever honoring LGBT history and Women’s rights, and millions of acres of land and water critical to local communities and wildlife.

Mark said,”Joining the Hip Hop Caucus is a tremendous honor for me. We are at a critical moment right now in this country, with the health, opportunities, and rights of our communities all in the crosshairs of this Administration. The stakes have never been higher and we need to do everything in our power to fight back. I look forward to working with the Hip Hop Caucus family to unite people, strengthen our communities now, and protect our planet for future generations.”

Prior to the White House, Mark served in the Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business at the United States Department of Transportation, where his team worked to ensure that the nation’s small, minority, women, and veteran-owned businesses had the opportunities and resources they needed to succeed within the transportation industry.

Mark is a proud graduate of University of Connecticut.

Media Contact:

Lisa Fager

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Mustafa Santiago Ali Joins Hip Hop Caucus


Washington DC — The Hip Hop Caucus announces Mustafa Santiago Ali as the new Senior Vice President of Climate, Environmental Justice & Community Revitalization.   The Hip Hop Caucus is a national, non-profit and non-partisan organization that connects the Hip Hop community to the civic process to build power and create positive change.  As HHC Senior Vice President of Climate, Environmental Justice & Community Revitalization, Mustafa Santiago Ali will lead the strategic direction, expansion and operation of the Hip Hop Caucus’ portfolio on Climate, Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization.

Mustafa Santiago Ali joins the Hip Hop Caucus, after working 24 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and on Capitol Hill.  At the EPA, Mustafa S. Ali served as the Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice and Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization. Mustafa Ali elevated environmental justice issues and worked across federal agencies to strengthen environmental justice policies, programs and initiatives. At the EPA, Mustafa led the Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJIWG), which was comprised of 17 federal agencies and White House offices focused on implementing holistic strategies to address the issues facing vulnerable communities.  Mustafa Ali worked for EPA Administrators beginning with William Riley and ending with Gina McCarthy.  He joined the EPA as a student and became a founding member of the EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ).

He has been a Guest Lecturer at Yale University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Spelman College, Albany Law School and Howard University School of Law.  Mustafa is a former instructor at West Virginia University and Stanford University in Washington, and the former co-host of the “Spirit in Action” radio show which focused on social justice issues.

Today, Mustafa Santiago Ali is renowned as a National Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator specializing in social Justice issues focused on revitalizing our most vulnerable communities. Throughout his career, Mustafa has conducted over 1,000 presentations across the country, including speeches, guest lecturers and trainings. He has also worked with over 500 domestic and international communities to secure environmental, health and economic justice.

Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., President and CEO of the Hip Hop Caucus, stated, “I am thrilled that Mustafa will be joining our team. His award winning work over the past two decades on economic, climate and environmental justice aligns perfectly with HHC’s focus on empowering the next generation of leaders. He shares our values on culture, innovation, and elevating the voices of communities that are often overlooked and forgotten. As one of the leading voices in the social justice movement he has shown himself to be an extraordinary leader throughout his career and has a proven track record. We appreciate the incredible work that he has done with youth and his commitment to the Principles of Environmental justice”

Ali stated, “I am honored, humbled and blessed to join the Hip Hop Caucus and I look forward to collaborating with an amazing team of artists, leaders and stakeholders across the country, as we focus on moving vulnerable communities from, ‘Surviving to Thriving.’  I have always admired the innovation, dedication and positive impacts of the Hip Hop Caucus.  I look forward to contributing to the Caucus’s continued success and leadership in creating a world that is filled with Justice, Opportunity and Equality for All.”

To learn more about the work of the Hip Hop Caucus visit: www.HipHopCaucus.Org